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Why Big Pharma Refuses Clinical Trials Using Genuine Placebo Control Group

The next time someone tries to tell you that the science is “settled” on vaccine safety and effectiveness, you might want to bring up the fact that the alleged “science” upon which the vaccination house of cards was, and is still being, built is fundamentally flawed at its very core.

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This Vaccine is Killing Children; WHO Doesn’t Know What Vaccines are Doing

With close to 400 peer reviewed articles on his belt, Dr. Peter Aaby concluded that many of the children in the Third World died of DTP vaccinations, and the World Health Organization is pretending that it knows nothing about what the data say, and what the vaccines are actually doing inside the children’s body. Continue reading This Vaccine is Killing Children; WHO Doesn’t Know What Vaccines are Doing

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MMR Vaccine Caused Viral Mumps Outbreak On Board | US Navy

Since December, 2018, the U.S. Navy warship Fort McHenry which was deployed to the Persian Gulf, has been quarantined, stranded at sea because of a Viral Mumps Outbreak that has stricken 27 sailors and Marines. All service members on the ship had been vaccinated with the MMR — measles/mumps/rubella—vaccine, but the vaccine is defective. The mumps takes 25 days to incubate. Continue reading MMR Vaccine Caused Viral Mumps Outbreak On Board | US Navy

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Parents of Hospitalized Schoolchildren are Shooting Gov’t “Vaccinators” in Pakistan

It did not take that long. In just a few days after hundreds of schoolchildren were hospitalized in the aftermath of the mass polio vaccinations in Pakistan, some parents decided to start shooting the polio workers, or the “vaccinators” in a fit of rage against the program that they don’t fully agreed to. Continue reading Parents of Hospitalized Schoolchildren are Shooting Gov’t “Vaccinators” in Pakistan

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Vaccines Can Cause the Very Disease They’re Meant to Prevent, and Worse

A groundbreaking study done in Shanghai, China, provides a strong case against vaccinations. The study focused on the frequency of adverse reactions against the drug among children. Continue reading Vaccines Can Cause the Very Disease They’re Meant to Prevent, and Worse

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Medical Fascism: Arizona Police Storm House, Seize Unvaccinated Boy

The situation is getting desperate for Big Pharma and the Corporate State. They’re now using the might of the police in order to enforce their deluded highly toxic vaccination programs to deliberately induce long term side-effects including cancer and other autoimmune disorders, thus ensuring the long term viability of big pharmaceutical companies. Continue reading Medical Fascism: Arizona Police Storm House, Seize Unvaccinated Boy

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Antibiotic Resistance Enhanced with Increased Streptomycin Use in Citrus Fields

The corporate world has gone really insane when its EPA approved an expanded use of the antibiotic Streptomycin to “protect” citrus fields and its farmers. This has a direct effect of increasing the parasites’ resistance to such antibiotic, which is normally used in mainstream medical interventions.

Streptomycin is a very potent antibiotic that I also got accustomed to when I was diagnosed of tuberculosis in the mid-80s. Continue reading Antibiotic Resistance Enhanced with Increased Streptomycin Use in Citrus Fields

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“Mystery Virus” Spreading like Wildfire Across U.S. Population

(Natural News) A cough can be rather annoying, especially when it keeps you up at night, but you can usually take comfort from knowing that it tends to run its course rather quickly and you’ll be back to normal in no time. Unfortunately, a new virus Continue reading “Mystery Virus” Spreading like Wildfire Across U.S. Population