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Gates or Germany? Who ‘Owns’ the WHO’s COVID-19 Response?

The idea that Bill Gates is somehow the driving force behind the WHO’s vaccine-centric COVID-19 response is very widespread—at least on Twitter.

But this notion recently received some unexpected support from a mainstream media source: Politico, the online news service that was started in D.C. in the naughts, launched a Brussels-based European edition in partnership with the German media giant Springer in 2015, and was fully acquired by the German firm last year.

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World Health Organization Redefines Herd Immunity to Accommodate Vaccine Manufacturers

In what should be one of the biggest scandals haunting the World Health Organization today is its blatant redefinition of what and how herd immunity can be achieved to accommodate Big Pharma’s experimental, gene editing COVID19 vaccines.

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UN Forced to Admit Gates-funded Vaccine is Causing Polio Outbreak in Africa

This really should be one of the biggest public health scandals of the decade, but instead it’s given little attention – mainly because of the high-profile nature of the people and organisations involved.

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“World Governments Are Not Ready for A Major Pandemic” – GPMB

The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board has found that the world is at “acute risk for devastating regional or global disease epidemics or pandemics that not only cause loss of life but upend economies and create social chaos.”

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