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Infections as a Cause of Cancer

Cancer, always believed to be caused by genetic cell mutations—can in reality be caused by infections from viruses, bacteria, and fungi. “I believe that, conservatively, 15 to 20% of all cancer is caused by infections; however, the number could be larger—maybe double,” said Dr. Andrew Dannenberg, director of the Cancer Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. Dr. Dannenberg made the remarks in a speech in December 2007 at the annual international conference of the American Association for Cancer Research.

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These Smart Parents did the Unthinkable, ask Doctor for Vaccine Insert, Meltdown Ensues

A lot of parents don’t bother asking their family doctor about the technical details of the services about to be rendered, for various reasons: Continue reading These Smart Parents did the Unthinkable, ask Doctor for Vaccine Insert, Meltdown Ensues

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Vaccination Injuries Devastate Parents First Prior to Antivax Activism

The anti-vaccination movement isn’t just a fad that someday will go out of fashion, or it will just die down because the entire system is actively suppressing it. It will be sustained by those same viruses and toxic components that are in the vaccines, which the government continue to tolerate, or even mandate for compulsory administration against the will of an enlightened population. Continue reading Vaccination Injuries Devastate Parents First Prior to Antivax Activism

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Electroceuticals: The Wave of the Future is Now

Increasingly, treatment for a host of conditions and ailments is based on electroceuticals rather than pharmaceuticals. Instead of prescriptions for chemical molecules, some doctors are prescribing specific frequencies, waveforms, and amplitudes for their patients. This is not science fiction—it’s happening right now. Continue reading Electroceuticals: The Wave of the Future is Now

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Where can we get the best treatment for leukemia?

Your own home would be fine, if you use the right technology.

That’s because you can electrify your blood non-invasively to neutralize all known and unknown parasites flowing with the bloodstream to tip the balance off in favor of your autoimmune system using a device that you already have access to nowadays. Continue reading Where can we get the best treatment for leukemia?