Doctors for Covid Ethics has written three open letters to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 vaccine dangers. In those letters we have insisted upon evidence that risks of clotting, bleeding and platelet abnormalities…
Continue reading We foresaw deaths and harm from clotting | Doctors for COVID EthicsAuthor: Virutron
62% of Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage | Canadian Doctor
We have come to a point where medical doctors expressing their own findings and observations about the medicines that they are administering to patients is a matter of heroism, and not just a regular act associated in the normal conduct of their medical profession. – VR Editor
Continue reading 62% of Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage | Canadian DoctorCOVID19 is Not Novel, Covered in 73 Patents, A Highly Malleable Weapon of Choice
The COVID19 narrative has been changing in perpetuity because just like any other lie, it can only be sustained with more lies, i.e. from the absence of study regarding the safety of prolonged use of facemasks, to the number of cycles that a PCR test must have to be valid, or from being a respiratory illness to a vascular disease. The core of all these lies, i.e. SARS Cov2 is novel, is now under threat of exploding worldwide.
Continue reading COVID19 is Not Novel, Covered in 73 Patents, A Highly Malleable Weapon of ChoiceJohnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 Vaccine Can Cause Neurological Disorder – FDA
The US Food and Drug Administration has warned that Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose Covid-19 vaccine can cause Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare auto-immune disorder that attacks the nerves and can result in paralysis.
Continue reading Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 Vaccine Can Cause Neurological Disorder – FDAFormer Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon Answers Reuters ‘Fact Checker’: ‘A Pack of Lies’
Former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Michael Yeadon today told America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) that a Reuters “fact checker” article calling his statements “misinformation” is “a mixture of straw men and sheer invention,” saying the Reuters article was “well worth rebutting”.
Continue reading Former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon Answers Reuters ‘Fact Checker’: ‘A Pack of Lies’The Responsibility of Medical Doctors: Warn the Public of Serious Criminality and Coverup
In my opinion, as an experienced medical doctor, there was never (and there still is not) any medical justification for the extreme measures taken worldwide in the name of a single unremarkable coronavirus (which was never novel as claimed).
Continue reading The Responsibility of Medical Doctors: Warn the Public of Serious Criminality and CoverupStudy on Electromagnetism of Vaccinated Persons in Luxembourg
In the vaccinated group, 29 of the 30 individuals interviewed showed attraction to the magnet. That is, the magnet adhered to their skin.
Continue reading Study on Electromagnetism of Vaccinated Persons in LuxembourgHow Real Science Became Fake News
Thirty years ago, the man who taught me quantum mechanics at Harvard wrote that the suppression of debate will be the “death of science”. Perhaps he saw the shape of things to come.
Continue reading How Real Science Became Fake NewsCOVID19 is Primarily A Vascular Disease, Not Respiratory | Salk Institute
In another significant sideturn from mainstream institutions’ narrative, the Salk Institute of the 1957 polio vaccine fame, announced the confirmation that COVID19 is primarily “a vascular disease.” What this means is that those who have been vaccinated with mRNA vaccine may not have all the protection they need to enjoy a peace of mind.
Continue reading COVID19 is Primarily A Vascular Disease, Not Respiratory | Salk InstituteWikipedia Scrubs Off mRNA Tech Inventor Dr. Robert Malone After Revealing Massive COVID Vaccine Risks
Up until June 14, 2021, Dr. Robert Malone, a pioneer in mRNA vaccine technology, has his name in the History Section of Wikipedia’s RNA Vaccine page, like so:
Continue reading Wikipedia Scrubs Off mRNA Tech Inventor Dr. Robert Malone After Revealing Massive COVID Vaccine Risks