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The Undeniable Truth Against Vaccines from Parents, Nurses, Doctors, Scientists, and History

While the vaccine marketers and prescribing doctors continue to parrot the “efficacy and safety” of all vaccines, one of their own vaccine designers has spilled the beans as to the sordid procedures involved in the production of the highly profitable product.

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More Polio Cases Caused by Vaccine Than by Wild Virus are Reported by UN Agencies

Four African countries have reported new cases of polio linked to the oral vaccine, as global health numbers show there are now more children being paralyzed by viruses originating in vaccines than in the wild.

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Vaccine Virus Shedding More Prevalent than Previously Acknowledged

Ardent defenders of mandatory vaccinations use every method in the book, to destroy the message and the messenger, thereby preserving the genocidal exercise. They conveniently ignore all the verified facts, or throw their own unsubstantiated numbers, to try to diminish the damage that these vaccines can do. Continue reading Vaccine Virus Shedding More Prevalent than Previously Acknowledged