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‘CRISPR 2.0’ Used To Change Patient’s DNA For First Time

Scientists are rewriting the code of life with a new technology that promises to cure inherited diseases by precisely correcting genetic typos. Known as base editing, the technology empowers researchers to pick a single letter amongst the three billion that compose the human genome, erase it, and write a new letter in its place.

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Peer-reviewed Publication Proves COVID19 Vaccine is CRISPR Gene Editing Technology

Right under our noses, the National Institutes of Health has published the “Double-Barreled CRISPR Technology as a Novel Treatment Strategy For COVID-19”, which articulates how to deal with the heavily propagandized COVID19 pandemic using the CRISPR gene editing technology.

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UK Launches Misinformation Drive Towards Gene Editing Deregulation

UK farm and environment ministry DEFRA published an “Explainer” document on gene editing as a guide for members of the public who want to respond to the UK government’s consultation on its plan to deregulate gene editing. It may also have been meant to assist the media, as parts of the text also occur in DEFRA’s press release for the launch of the public consultation.

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UK Body Backs Human Embryo Gene Editing

Though the announcement is couched in terms that make it seem humanitarian, as potentially a huge advance in science, an agency tied to the British government is encouraging efforts in gene-editing of the DNA of human embryos. It belongs in the category of eugenics. Not surprisingly, the footprints of Bill Gates and the Rockefeller eugenics circles, and major pharma groups as well as GMO seed companies are found here. Continue reading UK Body Backs Human Embryo Gene Editing