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Moderna’s FDA Report Lists 13 Deaths in Vaccine Trials — 6 in Vaccine Group, 7 in Placebo

The Pfizer COVID vaccine is already being administered to the public in the UK, and the first doses have been given in the US ahead of a mass vaccination campaign on a global scale. Already, vaccine injuries and deaths are already recorded for Moderna vaccines during trials.

It is important to recognize that the Pfizer Covid vaccine has not been approved by the FDA. It has only received Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), meaning the vaccine has not gone through the standard process to get official approval from the regulatory agency.

Now Moderna’s experimental Covid vaccine is set to get the same Emergency Use Authorization, allowing the shot to be distributed to millions of people.

We have already witnessed short-term adverse events (side effects) from the Pfizer vaccine. Truth is, nobody knows what the long-term effects could be and it appears the public is being subjected to an experiment on a global scale.

In this report, we examine discrepancies in the FDA Moderna report that was voted on by an advisory panel. The panel voted 20-0 recommending EUA.

Some of the discrepancies include cherry picked trial participants to achieve the desired results to gain EUA, as well as 13 total deaths in the trials – 6 in the vaccinated group and 7 in the placebo. Something the media refuses to address. – ActivistPost

Some of the discrepancies include cherry picked trial participants to achieve the desired results to gain EUA, as well as 13 total deaths in the trials – 6 in the vaccinated group and 7 in the placebo. Something the media refuses to address. – ActivistPost

“Who Wants To Be A Guinea Pig?”: Health Workers Balk At Vaccine; 40% Of Staff At One Chicago Hospital Refuse To Take

As tens of thousands of doses of the new Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine make their way across the country, some health workers – first on the list to receive the two-stage jab – are leery of the emerging treatment which mainstream pundits warned would take a ‘miracle‘ to produce before the end of the year.

And while public concerns over the vaccine have eased compared to polling conducted before the November election, a not-insignificant number of health workers are unwilling to take the shot. Perhaps they’re concerned about taking the fastest vaccine developed in Western history, developed to treat a mysterious new virus which primarily kills the elderly (though can have lasting effects on people of all ages save for children).

As Bloomberg notes, the initial vaccines have few serious side effects (aside from a handful of serious allergic reactions), though nobody knows what long-term effects it has, if any. For example, nobody can possibly know what it does to a gestating fetus for nine months, or whether it affects fertility – yet, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend that pregnant women take the vaccine.

At one Chicago hospital where the city’s first COVID-19 vaccine was administered on Tuesday, 40% of the staff said in a survey earlier this month that they would not take it.

Sherrie Burch, 56, a ward clerk at Loretto, is baffled by how quickly the Covid-19 vaccine was developed, given how long medical developments typically take. And that makes her nervous. “It just happened too fast for me,” Burch said, adding that her children, grandchildren and 76-year-old mother aren’t planning to get it either. “It’s the fear of the unknown.

Burch wants more details about the vaccine’s research and longer-term side effects. She plans to wait at least a couple of months to see how co-workers respond to the shot. Until then, she’ll keep masking, distancing and hand washing.

Some nurses, respiratory therapists and technicians at Loretto also are opting out, said Nikhila Juvvadi, the hospital’s chief clinical officer who was the first person to administer the vaccine in Chicago. At a staff town-hall meeting on Wednesday, she explained the science of how the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine works. –Bloomberg

In Maine, 40% of staff and 30% of residents at the state’s larger nursing homes won’t take the jab, according to an “informal discussion” conducted by the Maine Health Care Association.

“Without official polling, it’s hard to know how accurate a picture this paints, and we fully expect these percentages to increase with greater education and awareness,” said the organization’s director of communications, Nadine Grosso. “Ultimately, we know that vaccination is key to safely reopening our long term care facilities.”

And if these are all the people who will admit to refusing the vaccine, how many lied and said they will?

EMTs are also at the front of the line for the vaccine, yet approximately 30% of those who travel with New York firefighters are resistant to getting it, according to Annthony Almojera, a lieutenant paramedic who’s vice president of FDNY’s EMS Officers Union Local 3631.

Who wants to be a guinea pig?” Almojera says is the biggest concern, with many citing the speed of the vaccine as a major hurdle.  He says he tries to calm fears by telling them “It’s been worked on 24 hours a day for six or seven months with almost unlimited resources.”

Still, some remain unpersuaded. Jonathan Damato, 41, a New York City paramedic for 21 years, is not an anti-vaxxer. He gets an annual flu shot, and he trusts the life-saving potential of vaccines against measles, mumps, polio. His station does about 50 or 60 Covid ambulance runs a week — people presenting high fevers and shortness of breath.

“I know the virus is real,” said Damato, who has a 4-year-old son with health issues. But “until I see that it’s actually safe for myself or my kids to take, I’m not going to take it.” –Bloomberg

In short, nobody wants to be a guinea pig. – ZeroHedge

Pfizer’s CEO hasn’t gotten his Covid vaccine yet, saying he doesn’t want to cut in line

Albert Bourla

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla hasn’t received his company’s Covid-19 vaccine shot yet, saying Monday he and other executives will not “cut the line” as U.S. officials kick off a massive effort to distribute the vaccine across the country.

The vaccine, which Pfizer developed in partnership with Germany-based BioNTech, is the first approved for emergency use in the U.S. to prevent Covid-19. The Food and Drug Administration on Friday authorized the vaccine for use in people 16 and older, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Sunday officially recommended its use.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla sold millions in stock on same day of vaccine reveal

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla cashed in on his company’s coronavirus vaccine breakthrough.

The executive sold more than $5.5 million worth of Pfizer stock on Monday — the same day the drugmaker said its experimental COVID-19 shot was more than 90 percent effective, records show.


If both Pfizer and Moderna CEOs are unloading their companies’ stocks this early, it’s logical to conclude that they know exactly what the possible destructive outcomes will be, once those gene editing vaccines are administered to the public.

The high initial number of deaths, in conjunction with the early sell-off of equities by the vaccine manufacturing company CEOs themselves, should be enough red flags for governments around the world not to vaccinate their entire population.

Any operation of this nature and magnitude can only be sustained through hypocrisy. Otherwise, they will also literally perish through their own medicine.

In short, while they coerce people to take their vaccines through fear and highly manipulated test data, they are also insulating themselves from highly probable vaccine injury with insulting excuses as if the people are not intelligent enough to see through the lies and deception.

All of these actions and pronouncements are still in line with their corporate mantra that “only the fittest will survive.”

Be smart.

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