The high priests of the medical establishment have been parroting that COVID19 is not only supercontagious, but it is also constantly mutating. These viral features are not lost on the #1 funder of the World Health Organization, who recently said that in order to kick COVID19 out of the picture, we must all undergo with multiple vaccinations, ad infinitum.
Technocrats are raising the bar on sticking needles into your body, saying that a single vaccine won’t be enough. Rather, you will need multiple doses over a short period of time to deliver immunity. ⁃ TN Editor
Bill Gates has warned that multiple doses of any coronavirus vaccine could be necessary as he slammed Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic.
Microsoft billionaire Gates said “serious mistakes” have been made by the White House as he predicted schools could be closed until fall 2021.
Speaking during an interview with Norah O’Donnell on CBS News, Gates said he had faith in the development of a coronavirus vaccine.
However, he warned it could take an “unbelievably big number” of doses to beat the virus.
He said: “None of the vaccines at this point appear like they’ll work with a single dose.
“That was the hope at the very beginning.”
However, he said the solution will “improve over time” even though there will be “a lot of uncertainty” about the vaccine.
The philanthropist – who is worth $98billion, the second-richest man in the world – has offered £300million to help fund research into the vaccine.
Gates also described the closures of schools as the “biggest cost” of the pandemic after deaths as he said classes likely won’t be all back until fall 2021.
He said: “This next academic year does hang in the balance. It is extremely important.”
More should be done to help schools take learning online to ensure kids get their educations, he said.
The 64-year-old tech boss now spends most of his times working with the Global Health division of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
He had been warning of the threat posed to humanity by pandemics since 2015 before the coronavirus outbreak.
During the interview, Gates was also heavily critical of the Trump administration – with the US having the highest death and case count in the world with 146,192 and 4.1million.
Gates said: “Some of the policies were a mistake. Opening up bars – the economic benefit versus the infection risk – a lot of policies like that made it a mistake.”
The Microsoft mogul emphasized that social distancing, wearing masks and developing a vaccine are now key in beating Covid-19.
He conceded however some of the “serious mistakes” were made because of a lacking of understanding of the virus.
Gates’ vaccine company, Moderna, is rushing in the production of COVID19 vaccine and is just one of 25 recorded to be conducting human trials in Africa and other “Third World” countries, out of compassion for the poor, who cannot afford the 2 to 3 ,000USD cost of anti-COVID19 protocols.
Moderna is one of those companies which received billions of funding from the White House, but its first set of trials were not as promising as the marketing releases of Gates himself would suggest…
Moderna first announced its vaccine, backed by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, prompted an immune response in 45 adults in May.
On Tuesday, it published a fuller look at the data in a report in the New England Journal of Medicine. But experts cautioned against heightened expectations about the Moderna vaccine, one of many being worked on around the world, as it is still in the early stages of development.
The report was “certainly no cause for celebration”, said Dr Peter Hotez, dean for the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College, and a vaccine researcher in Houston, Texas. “But [it is] provocative enough that it’s worth looking at in a phase 3 trial.”
“These are small studies,” Hotez added. “This is why you have to do the big phase 3 clinical trials in 10,000 to 30,000 patients,” he said.
… “We are now two months into Operation Warp Speed and people across the country still have no idea if the drug company executives Trump put in charge of it secured any assurances regarding access and affordability of vaccines developed with taxpayer dollars,” said Eli Zupnick, spokesman for Patients Over Pharma, a group critical of pharmaceutical companies.
The COVID19 coup comes with multiple objectives that most people could not synthesize into one comprehensible picture. In general, it is a type of social engineering that sustains the overall privileged positions of the few, who must respond to the growing awareness of the population about alternative ways of doing and accomplishing the same tasks that used to cost so much.
The heightened automated censorship and deliberately throttling of alternative views in the social media is one indication that they cannot follow their own propaganda about free speech and other lofty virtues of hypocrisy.
The refusal to bow our heads to the whims of the Corporatocracy must continue until it collapses on its own highly conflicted foundation.
It used to take about 4 years at least in order to develop a “viable” vaccine. But now, they are hurrying it up — Operation Warp Speed is just a fancy slogan for the speed at which they are going to warp our brains with multiple vaccinations, before they lose the endgame.