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“The Trials Should Have Been Halted”: Rate Of ‘Serious Adverse Events’ Closely Tracks Spike in Post-Vax Disabilities

Over the past 18 months, skeptics of mRNA Covid-19 vaccines and those pointing out high rates of adverse reactions have been subject to ostracism, deplatforming, and flawed ‘fact checks‘ to shut down opinions and analysis which conflicted with official narratives.

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Pfizer Responds After Director Says Company Is Developing Ways To Mutate COVID-19

Pfizer late Jan. 28 responded to comments from a director at the company about exploring ways to mutate COVID-19 as a method to “preemptively develop new vaccines.”

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Busted Pfizer R&D Exec Claims He Lied About “Mutating COVID” To “Impress A Date Like Normal People”

Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe was physically assaulted after approaching Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer’s Director of R&D, Strategic Operations, who had been caught on tape admitting to the fact that the company is exploring a way to “mutate” COVID via “Directed Evolution” in order to anticipate new strains for their Covid-19 vaccine.

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US Scientists Create New Lethal Covid Variant

The lab team behind the mutant variant was accused of “playing with fire”

Scientists at Boston University claim to have created a new variant of Covid-19 with an 80% mortality rate, by combining the highly-transmissible Omicron variant of the coronavirus with the original Wuhan strain. The research, which echoes experiments thought to have created the virus in the first place, has caused outrage.

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Florida Surgeon General Against mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines for Males Aged 18–39

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo announced new guidance on messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines on Oct. 7, specifically recommending against administering mRNA COVID-19 vaccines to males aged 18 to 39.

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3 New Studies Add to Mounting Evidence That COVID Vaccines May Not be Worth the Risk

Two new studies  — one about thyroid eye disease and one about encephalitis —  highlighted negative health outcomes associated with COVID-19 vaccination, and a third study suggested the COVID-19 vaccine provided only 15% protection against the risk of “long COVID.”

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Fauci Doubled His Wealth During Covid-19 | Report

US chief medical officer Anthony Fauci’s net worth surged to $12.6 million in 2021, nearly twice the $7.6 million it had been in 2019, watchdog group OpenTheBooks revealed on Friday, citing financial disclosures it obtained from Fauci’s employer, the National Institutes of Health.

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Doctor Turns Against Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines, Calls for Global Pause

A doctor who promoted COVID-19 vaccines is now calling for health authorities around the world to pause the administration of two of the most-widely utilized COVID-19 vaccines, saying that the benefits from the vaccines may not outweigh the risks.

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