A 6-month old child died a day and a half after receiving her scheduled 6 vaccines, and her mother is outraged that the pathologist cannot find the cause of death but is unwilling to do tests to determine the possible impact of the vaccines.
Are most doctors put into a corner when a child they have just given vaccines to gets injured or dies? Would they feel free to say they suspect that the vaccines are the cause even if they believed it to be true?
If we take a broad overview of the structure of conventional medicine in our Western societies, we are left with an inescapable conclusion: it is set up as a business, where profit is most highly valued and human health and safety is secondary. The evidence for this is overwhelming and is discussed in greater detail in many of our articles on the subject listed at the end of this article.
This is absolutely not to say that there are not loving, upstanding people who are doctors, researchers, or otherwise as part of the Western medical establishment. Not at all. I believe most of them are. However, when it comes specifically to the family doctors and pediatricians who are trusted by their patients to make recommendations for their patients’ health and well-being, there is a limit to how far they can push the boundaries of the highly controlled business structure they find themselves in.
This is probably most obvious when it comes to vaccines. I don’t think any doctor could tell me straight-faced that if they decided that vaccines were not safe for their patients, and they were openly vocal about it in public, that there wouldn’t be pushback from their industry, including intimidation and threats of losing their medical license. And so, unfortunately, there is a built-in bias from the start, and doctors know that going down the path of truly doing their own independent research into the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, in order to make an informed decision about what they will recommend to their patients, will either be a lot of work for nothing or will end up with them having to fight against their powerful establishment and risk losing their livelihood.
‘Training’ On The Effectiveness Of Vaccines
But haven’t doctors been thoroughly and convincingly shown already in Medical school the overwhelming proof that vaccines are safe and effective? There is somewhat of a misconception that the public is under about the process by which would-be doctors become convinced about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines:
Despite questioning the safety and efficacy of vaccination by reputable medical men since its introduction, debate has been, and is, increasingly discouraged. Information published in scientific journals is used to support this position, other views being regarded as “unscientific.”
It was a received “article of faith” for me and my contemporaries, that vaccination was the single most useful health intervention that had ever been introduced. Along with all my medical and nursing colleagues, I was taught that vaccines were the reason children and adults stopped dying from diseases for which there are vaccines. We were told that other diseases, such as scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, typhus, typhoid, cholera, and so on, for which there are no vaccines at the time, diminished both in incidence and mortality (ability to kill) due to better social conditions.
You would think–as medical students who are supposed to be moderately intelligent–that some of us would have asked, “But if deaths from these diseases decreased due to improved social conditions, mightn’t the ones for which there are vaccines also have decreased at the same time for the same reason?” But we didn’t.
The medical curriculum is so overloaded with information that you just have to learn what you hear, as you hear it: nonvaccinatable diseases into the social conditions box and vaccinatable diseases into the vaccines box and then onto the next subject.–Dr. Jayne L. M. Donegan, foreward to Suzanne Humphries’ Dissolving Illusions
Having been convinced that vaccines are effective without spending any time looking critically at objective (not industry-funded) studies, doctors are led to treat the matter of the safety of vaccines as a foregone conclusion. This is notwithstanding the publicly available fact that the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act has paid approximately $4 billion to families with vaccine injured children, and that only accounts for 1 percent of vaccine injured children. This is a fact that doctors are not informed about by their industry, and those who become aware of it are almost compelled to wilfully ignore. You can read more about that act and access direct primary sources here.
Vaccines, the industry will repeat until the cows come home, ARE SAFE. PERIOD. Yes, there are extremely rare exceptions when they do cause damage, the industry admits when pressed on the matter, but because they argue that vaccines are so important to societal health, the industry will continue to say with unwavering certainty that VACCINES ARE SAFE. Consequently, while they are afforded a narrow bit of leeway for de-combining vaccines and delaying schedules, the solemn duty of doctors is to promote the safety of vaccines to their patients.
This is all fine and dandy for doctors. Until one of their young patients have serious adverse reactions or even dies after receiving vaccines. Much as many doctors would be heartbroken and would like to offer true love and support to the parents, the position they have been put in by the medical industry forces them to sternly deny the possibility that vaccines could be the cause of the damage, not because logic dictates so, but because they fear that their future career is dependent on this denial.
The Case Of Evee Gayle Clobes
I recently came upon a facebook post from March 22nd made by a woman named Catie Clobes that was actually the inspiration for this article. Her daughter Evee Gayle Clobes had tragically died on March 1st, a day and a half after receiving six vaccines at her six month doctor’s visit. The post below, from this brave woman looking for answers as to why her daughter died, explains it all:
Me: “I know this is going to sound morbid, but it sounds like with everything you’re saying to me, my daughter basically “took one for the team”, right?”
Pathologist: “I don’t even know what to say to that.”
I just finished up a very heated, baffling phone conversation with the very “cold” doctor who performed my daughter’s autopsy. The autopsy is pretty much complete on their end, there have been no answers, it’s at a finalizing paperwork phase. My mother was in the room when this call took place, she heard this all! I’m not exaggerating a thing. After several calls this week to try and get this doctor on the phone, I sent an email today requesting the simple additional tests that I wanted done in my daughter’s autopsy. I was assured the day of my daughter’s death by that office that “every test” would be performed, that her receiving vaccinations a day and a half prior was of concern, and they’d be running “those kinds of tests”, that they took infant deaths very seriously. I believed them. These simple tests I requested would reveal if vaccinations had played any part in my daughter’s death. Well less than an hour after sending that email, I finally got that doctor to call me back! She refused to do the tests, each and every one.
Me: “My daughter was in perfect health and then received 6 vaccinations and died a day and a half later. Why wouldn’t you run ANY tests to check if vaccinations were the cause?”
Pathologist: “It’s not medically necessary, there is no medical reasoning, and it’s not medically approved.”
No kidding, she said this!! She refused to acknowledge that it might even be a possibility that it was the cause! State or County Medical Examiner offices refuse and will not run any tests in an autopsy that could reveal any link to vaccination as the cause of death because it is not “medically accepted.” This is a fact. They will put SIDS on the death certificate before running of these tests.
At this point, being an angry, grieving mother, I said some controversial things to try and get some sort of sensible answer out of this woman. She was like a robot. I said to her, “It sounds like you’re just reading me some script the CDC and the government have given you!” I cried in disbelief and anger. I yelled, “If this was your baby that you just lost, you’d want answers no matter what it took.” I asked her opinion on why so many shots had to be given to such a small child? She never once gave any opinion. She kept repeating that science and research shows this and that, but none of it made sense. She had nothing to say about vaccination inserts saying that “SIDS” can occur, and all the other warnings. She had no solid fact, reasoning, nothing educational or productive. I couldn’t even believe I was speaking with a doctor. It was clear she was watching her words. I told her I didn’t believe in “SIDS” and that every death has a real reason behind it. She had nothing to say to that. What was NOT surprising was that a pause of hesitation came before each of her responses.
She actually started to say to me “Listen, you are a part of a community that…” and I stopped her and I said “NO! I have vaccinated all of my children. I have always trusted medical professionals. I was never told by any doctor that more than a fever could occur after my babies getting their shots. I never knew any better because people like you shame that “community” and silence them. Don’t label me to try and discredit what I’m saying. I was “provaxx” just like you until I sadly had to find out in the worst way possible how many babies and children have died and been hurt by these shots.” That’s when I made the “take one for the team statement”.
My last words to her were “you should be ashamed, you’re a doctor, and it’s your job to find answers and save lives and that’s not what you are doing.” There was silence on her end and then I hung up.
I’m making nothing up. This is not “stuff” I’m hearing, this is what I am living. I understand the need for vaccinations, I get the government’s reasoning, the importance. Sure. The lack of care, lack of research, lack of information about gene testing and titer level testing to prevent injuries and deaths, lack of any TRUTH or answers, and the lack of any real accountability when it comes to the negative, that I don’t understand. The corruption – that is what blows my mind.
So I will continue on my fight for the answer I am looking for. I’m just also on a mission to expose and share with everyone the crazy, sick truth I am experiencing along the way. (That’s what this post is about.)
Mommy has got your back, my “Eeves Peeves”! She always has and she always will. #justiceforevee
The Takeaway
One of the reasons we talk about vaccine injuries so much at CE is because they provide us with a clear window into the true motives and values of the powerful forces at the top of the medical industry, and who are just part of a larger group that control all facets of Western society. It is sad and unfortunate that people like Catie Clobes continue to experience the injuries or deaths of cherished loved ones, just because we have a medical industry that puts profits above human health and safety. We do the most service to these people by supporting their efforts, sharing their stories, raising awareness, and aiming for a future in which our entire medical industry holds fast to the prime directive to ‘first, do no harm.’ – https://www.collective-evolution.com
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Thank you for the inquiry, Linda.
You will have all the knowledge you need to implement the treatment non-invasively and decisively, through the downloadable manuals after the purchase is confirmed. There is no limit to the time allocated for product support.
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If you have any other concern, please use the Support Ticketing System for faster response.
All the best,
Virutron Team
Glyphosate in vaccine production and contamination: consider the implications of the ‘legal’ ingredients, as listed in the Codex Alimentarius of the United Nations, which governs Pesticide Residues allowed in foods.
Vaccines are grown within eggs, which are legally allowed five parts per million of Glyphosate residue. The primary countries where vaccines are produced, Brazil, India, and the USA, all use Glyphosate, & Roundup.
Since Glyphosate is an artificial Amino Acid, it can fit into the growing proteins, mistakenly in place of one of the hundreds of Amino Acids that link all protein chains. Vaccine mutation may explain the random, but dangerous effects reported from inoculation; these reports have increased as the use of Glyphosate and Roundup have permeated crops.
Please consider the implications to vaccine safety, and a simple solution: using organic ingredients to grow vaccines. Inoculations could be safer.