FDA and NIH Expert Warns Young Healthy People Not to Get COVID Booster

In a Lancet document titled “The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing” published on November 19, 20001, we can find that the highest number of “symptomatic COVID19 cases were among the fully vaccinated population, 89.7%!
Continue reading UK’s 89.7% Symptomatic COVID19 cases are from the fully vaccinated population! – LancetAt least 13 people have died in Norway due to side effects of the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, the national medicines regulator has revealed. All were frail and elderly people who had unusually strong reactions to the jabs.
Continue reading ‘We see nothing alarming,’ says Norwegian drugs regulator, after 13 deaths linked to Pfizer vaccine jabsMore doctors have come forward to expose the multiple risks associated with vaccine toxicity and the ethical question of vaccination itself. Some of these doctors have offsprings that are themselves suffering from the effects of vaccination. Below is Edward F. Fogarty, MD‘s experience with vaccines. Continue reading Vaccine Adjuvant Triggers “Army of Immune System Cells Ready to Attack a Child’s Brain”
If you’re convinced that vaccines are safe, you’re not listening to the people who’ve lost a child after a round of vaccines was administered. The U.S. government set up a special court to hear vaccine injury cases, with reparation for select victims but no accountability for vaccine makers. Continue reading If you’re convinced vaccines are safe, you’re not well informed