Weakened hearts, blood clots, and now you can add neurological brain damage to the list of side effects being reported in children following COVID-19 vaccinations.
Continue reading Cases of Brain Damage in Children Skyrocket Following COVID-19 VaccinesTag: brain damage
This Child is Fighting the Vaccine Battle with Half of Her Brain
Recently in The Snap Mom Community, a mom asked for opinions about why she should vax and why she shouldn’t, and Anne Abbot responded with her story of her child’s vaccine injury that resulted in a brain surgery. I just knew that we needed to share this story because folks, this is real life. Continue reading This Child is Fighting the Vaccine Battle with Half of Her Brain
Vaccine Adjuvant Triggers “Army of Immune System Cells Ready to Attack a Child’s Brain”
More doctors have come forward to expose the multiple risks associated with vaccine toxicity and the ethical question of vaccination itself. Some of these doctors have offsprings that are themselves suffering from the effects of vaccination. Below is Edward F. Fogarty, MD‘s experience with vaccines. Continue reading Vaccine Adjuvant Triggers “Army of Immune System Cells Ready to Attack a Child’s Brain”